Services A to Z

The UAE Strategy for Government ServicesUnified Digital Platform Policy and Digital Customer and Digital Government Service Policy are all a part of the UAE Government’s efforts to provide advanced digital services, accessible from anywhere and at any time.



The Government engages community members in designing services; in a bid to develop proactive individual services that will meet their needs. Read how the UAE co-creates public services.   

Service statistics

The UAE provides more than 6,000 federal and local digital services. At the federal level, there are 1,913 federal digital services. They can be classified as follows:


Transactional services


Informational services


Commercial services


Social services


Seizural services


Priority services

UAE Pass

In order to use some of these digital services, you must have an account on UAE PASS. Learn how to register on UAE PASS.

By registering on UAE Pass, you can:

having a digital trusted identity

Log in with face recognition technology (facial ID)

being able to sign in to all government websites and services through a single mobile–based login

Sign in to services through a single mobile–based login

being able to sign documents digitally

Sign documents digitally

being able to store and share digital documents

Store and share digital documents

being able to update your profile information

Update your profile information

being able to update your address records

Update your address records

Most used digital services

Below table shows the most used digital services and the number of times they were used in the year 2022: 

5,414,388 +

Issue a new work permit

4,879,775 +

Issue an entry permit

3,450,760 +

Electricity and water bill payment

2,509,670 +

Payment of traffic fines

2,400,863 +

Renew a residency permit

2,051,721 +

Issue a residency permit

1,888,687 +

Book a medical appointment

1,288,103 +

Issue/renew work contract

1,269,287 +

Cancelling residency permits





Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

24-hour work permit

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

24-hour work permit

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Academic Advising


Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Account Statement Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Add Land

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Add Material Application

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Add or Replace a Fishing Boat Engine

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Add sikka

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Aerial Photography (CDs)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Enquiry

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Modification

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Official Letter

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Renewal

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Transfer

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Al Bahar - Marine services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Alumni ID Card


Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

AMEL Exam request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Amend Trademark Owner Information

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Amendment of OpSpec

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

AML Fines Payments

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior


Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Customs

Appeal on Customs Decision

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Appeal request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Application for appeal decision

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Application for Balance Refund or Transfer

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Application Status

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Application to file an objection

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply for a Hazardous Waste Transport Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply for a New Building Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for a Parking Reservation Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Roads and Transport Authority - Dubai

Apply for a Special Driving Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply for an Advertising Permit on Buildings

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for Certificate of Competency (CoC)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Apply For Early settlement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Apply for Export Bill of Entry

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for flag state endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for GMDSS endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply for Industrial Design

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply for Industrial Drawing

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply For Job

Finance and economy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Apply For Liability Letter

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Multi-Storey Parking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply for Patent

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Permit to Manage and Rent Private Parking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Permit to Operate Valet Parking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Permit to Remove a Parking Space

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply For Preliminary Amendment

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Apply for project delay justification

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for re-issue of Seafarer's license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for renew of flag state endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for Seafarer's Discharge Book (SDB)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for Tanker Endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply For Utility Certificate

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply to Renew Permit to Reserve Parking for Charity Campaigns

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply to Test Food Samples

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Approval of Civil Design for Transformer Room

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Approval of Water Tank Location

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department

Arrival and Departure

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Artistic group permit

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Chamber

ATA Carnet

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Attendance & Follow-Up of Complaints

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Attestation of Official Deeds

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Automobile Club License Cancellation Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Aviation services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Bill Explanation

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Bill Payment Requests

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Broadband Professional

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Build Your Statistical Report

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Ajman | Municipality and Planning Department - Ajman

Building permit services -AMAR

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality

Building Permits

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Building services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Business Card e-Form


Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Business Complete Plan

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Business Name Availability

Finance and economy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Business Roaming Packs

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Airports

By Bus

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Airports

By Metro

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Cable or Meter Shifting

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Cancel a request

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Chamber

Cancel ADCCI Membership

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Cancel or Withdraw Application

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Cancel Unregistered Trademarks

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Cancelation of Seafarer's license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cancellation of ID card

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cancelling Vehicle

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Career Counseling


Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Career Counselling


Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution

Case Inquiry

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Case Registration

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Change Fishing Method

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Change Trademark Agent

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Change Vehicle Plate Number

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Airports

Check flight status

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Family Care Authority

Child Foster Request

Social Affairs

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Claim Applications

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Close Account Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Commodities Prices

Finance and economy


Comparative Performance Reports

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Compulsory Licensing Service

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Connecting You

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Connection Process - Solar Energy

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Connections Estimate Payment

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Construction Loan

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Construction Materials Research Lab Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Consumer Complaints

Finance and economy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Consumer Protection Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy


Corporate Actions Request

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Corpse Entry Permit

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Credit Refund Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Cremation Permit Query

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Customer feedback form

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department

Customs Duties

Justice and safety

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Data Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

DDos Protection

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Dead Body Transport Permission

Justice and safety

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department


Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Delivering Friday Sermon

Public holidays and religious affairs

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Deposits Payment

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Deregister Commercial Agency

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Design Acceptance

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Destroy Explosives and Ammunition

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Detainee Visit Request

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Diplomatic Notes Gateway

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Diplomatic Service

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Disability parking

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display Dubai In Figures

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Display EV Green Charger Locations

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display Population Clock

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display Statistics on Map

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display/Download Statistical Reports & Indicators

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Diversion of Cable Lines

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Document Verification

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Drawing Approval Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority


Finance and economy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Du Managed IPTV

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Dubai Info

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Dwelling Disposal Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

E Crime

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Early warning

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Earthquake monitoring

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Edit Lawyer's information

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments


Public holidays and religious affairs


EFSAH Disclosure System

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electrical Contracting Licensing Certificate Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Electrical Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electrical Technical Report Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Electricity Connection Cost Calculator

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electricity Reinforcement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electricity Site Clearance

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Electricity/Water Network Modification

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Electronic Quran

Public holidays and religious affairs


Email Campaigns

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Emergency Hot Lines

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Engineering drawings approval

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | UAE Public Prosecution

Enquiry application

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Enquiry of Environmental Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Pension Fund

Entity Registration Request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Errors Inquiry

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

E-Service Conversion Request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

E-Services Technical Support

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Estisharat Service

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Events Security Request

Justice and safety

Dubai | Federal Tax Authority

Excise Tax Registration

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Expert registration

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Expert registration

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Export of Hazardous Waste

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Fast Receipt of Notes of Construction Projects

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police


Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Feedback and suggestion

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

File a Criminal Complaint

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

File a Labour Complaint

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

File Criminal Reports

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

File Traffic Reports

Justice and safety

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Finance Services

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Financial Aid


Dubai | Dubai Courts

Find Private Notary Offices

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Flight timetable

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Flight tracking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality

Food/ Consumer/ Veterinary Product Registration

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Foreign Company Cancellation

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Foreign Company Renewal

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Foreign Trade Statistics

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Fresh Start Admission


Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

General Certificate of Origin

Finance and economy