The UAE Strategy for Government Services, Unified Digital Platform Policy and Digital Customer and Digital Government Service Policy are all a part of the UAE Government’s efforts to provide advanced digital services, accessible from anywhere and at any time.
The Government engages community members in designing services; in a bid to develop proactive individual services that will meet their needs. Read how the UAE co-creates public services.
The UAE provides more than 6,000 federal and local digital services. At the federal level, there are 1,913 federal digital services. They can be classified as follows:
UAE Pass
In order to use some of these digital services, you must have an account on UAE PASS. Learn how to register on UAE PASS.
By registering on UAE Pass, you can:
Most used digital services
Below table shows the most used digital services and the number of times they were used in the year 2022:
Issue a new work permit
Issue an entry permit
Electricity and water bill payment
Payment of traffic fines
Renew a residency permit
Issue a residency permit
Book a medical appointment
Issue/renew work contract
Cancelling residency permits
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Finance and economy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Central Bank of the U.A.E.
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Endowment and Minor's Trust Foundation - Awqaf Dubai
Social Affairs
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Central Bank of the U.A.E.
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Government Workshop
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Central Bank of the U.A.E.
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Central Bank of the U.A.E.
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | UAE Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination - Abu Dhabi
Social Affairs
Dubai | Roads and Transport Authority - Dubai
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Dubai | Dubai Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Roads and Transport Authority - Dubai
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Roads and Transport Authority - Dubai
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Pension and Social Security Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Pension and Social Security Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates University
Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Roads and Transport Authority - Dubai
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Family Development Foundation (FDF)
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Finance
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Finance
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Ministry of Community Development
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Sharjah | Sharjah Civil Defence Authority
Justice and safety
Sharjah | Sharjah Civil Defence Authority
Justice and safety
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates University
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | National Rehabilitation Center (NRC)- Abu Dhabi
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Securities and Commodities Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Ajman | Municipality and Planning Department - Ajman
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Department of Economic Development -Abu Dhabi
Finance and economy
Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Khalifa Fund For Enterprise Development - Abu Dhabi
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Economic Development Department - Sharjah
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Securities and Commodities Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Dubai | Islamic Affairs And Charitable Activities Department - Dubai
Social Affairs
Dubai | Islamic Affairs And Charitable Activities Department - Dubai
Social Affairs
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Finance
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Zayed University
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates University
Sharjah | Economic Development Department - Sharjah
Finance and economy
Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Social Affairs
Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
Public holidays and religious affairs
Sharjah | Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Ministry of Community Development
Social Affairs
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
Public holidays and religious affairs
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
Public holidays and religious affairs
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Pension and Social Security Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Pension and Social Security Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Endowment and Minor's Trust Foundation - Awqaf Dubai
Finance and economy
Dubai | Endowment and Minor's Trust Foundation - Awqaf Dubai
Finance and economy
Dubai | Endowment and Minor's Trust Foundation - Awqaf Dubai
Finance and economy
Dubai | Endowment and Minor's Trust Foundation - Awqaf Dubai
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Securities and Commodities Authority
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Economic Development Department - Sharjah
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Finance
Finance and economy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Department of Culture and Tourism- Abu Dhabi
Finance and economy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Department of Energy - Abu Dhabi
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security
Justice and safety
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Zayed University
Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | Central Bank of the U.A.E.
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy
Finance and economy
Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Ras Al Khaimah | Human Resources Department - Ras Al Khiamah
Finance and economy
Sharjah | Economic Development Department - Sharjah
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Zakat Fund
Social Affairs
Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality
Infrastructure, environment and energy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | Securities and Commodities Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority
Finance and economy
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety
Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution
Justice and safety