mGovernment Magazine - Issue 4 - page 55

According to a report by Dow Jones
‘Analysis and News Platform’, Google
has dethroned its competitor Apple to
become the most talked-about company
in the world. Dow Jones’ data was based
on its database, which tracked and ar-
chived coverage of various companies
in English-language print publications
from around the world in 2013.
According to the data, Google was
mentioned more than 123,000 times
by the global media in 2013, beating its
American competitor, Apple, which was
mentioned 120,451 times, down from
165,100 media mentions in 2012.
According to the data, released by Dow
Jones Factiva database, Google’s men-
tion in the media in 2013 increased by
7.7 percent from 114,954 times in 2012.
The report said that the widest media
coverage on Google happened during
April and May 2013 while covering the
European Commission antitrust investi-
gations inside Google and Google’s fu-
ture products, such as Google’s HTC1
phone from HTC and MotoX phone from
The German company “ZenGuard” has re-
leased the new security add-on ‘ZenMate’
for Chrome browsers a while after launch-
ing a limited pilot of the add-on on Chrome
e-market. With the new add-on, Chrome
users can encrypt their browsing activity,
ensuring thereby protection against intefer-
ring and tracking by some websites. It also
protects against intrusions and help users
to circumvent internet browsing re-
strictions imposed by some govern-
ments. The add-on encrypts user’s
activities while browsing, which in
turn helps circumvent the controls
imposed by governments or orga-
nizations and stop restrictions on
browsing. ZenMate allows users,
as well, the same benefits obtained
through the Virtual Private Network
(VPN) but with less complications.
The add-on can fixed in one click,
and once fixed, users can immedi
ately switch their online geographic
location with one click and with no
additional settings. ZenMate includes an
accelerator to make browsing faster and
provide the user with the best experience
ever. The add-on allows users online Geo-
switching between 5 countries; Germany,
USA, Switzerland, UK and Hong Kong.
ZenMate for
Chrome.. Secure
Google dethrones
Apple in global fame
HE Sheikh Hamdan bin Mubarak Al Na-
hyan, Minister of Higher Education and
Scientific Research, honoured winners
of the ‘Higher Education and Scientific
Research Smart Applications Award’ in
its first edition. The first three winning
teams were honoured with certificates of
appreciation and monetary rewards.
The top three winning teams were from
Khalifa University. Teams from UAE Uni-
versity, Zayed University, Higher Colleg-
es of Technology and Ajman University
competed for the remaining positions.
Khalifa University teams got the highest
marks in the evaluation criteria; ease of
use, creativity and innovation and effi
ciency and effectiveness. The apps cov-
ered several services such as certificate
attestation, scholarships, search for aca-
demic institutions and programmes and
“Asaal Fahim” service.
Saif Rashed Al Mazroui, Assistant Un-
dersecretary for Institutional & Support
Services in the Ministry said that top
three winners will receive AED 100,000,
AED 50,000 and AED 30,000 respec-
tively. He noted that winning applications
will be implemented immediately.
Hamdan bin Mubarak honours winners of
Smart Apps Award
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