mGovernment Magazine - Issue 4 - page 57

The Emirates Identity Authority has provided
a new innovative channel to communicate
with its customers through “Skype”. Emirates
ID has also officially authenticated its account
on the social media website ‘Twitter’. The ac-
count is now a reliable source for all informa-
tion related to the Authority, its activities and
services, and is protected against piracy and
fraud. Emirates ID pointed out that with the
new ‘Skype’ service, the number of communi-
cation channels available for customers has
reached 14. The move is in line with Emirates
ID’s keenness to allow its cus-
tomers direct communication
channels and enable them to
lodge their feedback, sugges-
tions and complaints through
their preferred means, and thus
ensure provision of easy and
streamlined services to them.
Emirates ID pointed out that
‘Skype’ service, accessible un-
der “EmiratesID_skype”, is a
24/7 service that will be avail-
able to customers and the pub-
lic inside and outside the UAE
in Arabic and English. Other
languages will be gradually
added based on periodic as-
sessment of the service.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Au-
thority (TRA) hosted a coordination meet-
ing in its Abu Dhabi headquarters that was
attended by representatives of various
government entities in its preparations to
form a ‘National Team’ to participate in the
International Telecommunication Union
Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 (ITU
PP14) to be held in Busan, South Korea
next October.
The main purpose of forming a ‘National
Team’ is to support nomination of UAE,
represented by TRA, to be elected as one
of the member states that will constitute
the next ITU Council and also UAE nomi-
nation to join the Radio Regulation Board.
The ITU PP14 conference is a globally
significant event organized by the ITU
every four years. It sets the ITU’s overall
strategy for the coming four years in all
matters relating to budget, strategy, re-
sponsibilities and the election process of
candidates from the 193 member states
for the Union’s leadership positions, lead-
ership councils and working committees.
H.H. Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al Nu-
aimi, Crown Prince of Ajman and Chair-
man of the Executive Council launched
the ARRA (Ajman Real-estate Regula-
tory Agency) website during the 7th An-
nual Government Forum of the Gener-
al Secretariat of the Executive Council
of Ajman.
Yafea Al Faraj, Executive Director of
ARRA, explained that the Agency has
been developing its services including
electronic and smart services to keep
up with the growing property sector and
Al Faraj added that the website and the
new Ownership Certificates enjoy high
security features in line with ARRA’s
continuous efforts to provide its ser-
vices according to the highest interna-
tional standards. The certificates use
paper with high security features and
property-related codes.
‘Skype’ added to Emir-
ates ID’s communica-
tion channels
TRA Prepares for the
ITU Plenipotentiary
Ajman Crown Prince
launches ARRA website
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