mGovernment Magazine - Issue 4 - page 41

Steve Jobs:
If it hadn’t been for the Blue Boxes,
there wouldn’t have been an Apple
(Part Four)
t is the tumultuous life led by Steve Jobs that has enabled him to
spark revolutions in six different industries around the world such
as personal computers, animation movies, music, phones, tablet com-
puters, digital publishing, as well as the revolution he caused in the
application-based digital content market. Therefore, we may consider
his apple, the logo of Apple Inc., to be the third apple to change the
world after Adam’s and that which led Newton to gravity law.
Many books were published about
Steve Job including a 626 page book
by Walter Isaacson, the managing
editor of Time Magazine and the
former chairman and CEO of CNN,
a book by Leander Kahney titled “In-
side Steve’s Brain” and other pub-
lications which we summarize in a
number of consecutive parts.
The Blue Box
The Blue Box was the turning point in
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