mGovernment Magazine - Issue 4 - page 38

scriptions per 100 residents in which
Taiwan ranked first, and ranked forty-
ninth in the index of landline per 100
residents where Hong Kong acquired
first position.
In the index of Internet users, UAE
ranked fourteenth with Iceland on top
while it came in the fifty-third position
in the index of broadband internet
subscription where Switzerland oc-
cupied first place. As for the interna
tional internet rights kilobyte/second
per user, Emirates came in the forty-
eighth position while Luxembourg ac-
quired first position.
Concerning the index of the govern-
mental procurement of advanced
technology, the UAE acquired third
position while Qatar came first. More
over, it came in the thirtieth place in
the index of mobile internet subscrip-
tions where Singapore assumed the
first position.
The global innovation report, issued
by INSEAD, stated that the UAE had
acquired the thirty-third position in the
index of access to information and
communication technology where
Hong Kong came first.
As for the index of the use of informa-
tion and communication technology,
the UAE came thirty-third while Hong
Kong came first, and in the index of
e-government services, the UAE as-
sumed the ninth place globally while
South Korea came first.
The UAE came eleventh in electronic
participation while South Korea ac-
quired first position, and in the in
dex of downloading videos on You
Tube/15-69 of the residents, the UAE
came in the fifty-eighth position where
Iceland came first.
The travel and tourism competitive-
ness report, issued by the global eco-
nomic forum, demonstrated that the
UAE has occupied the seventeenth
place in the index of using informa-
tion and communication technology
in the transactions between compa-
nies while Finland came first. As for
the index of the use information and
communication technologies in the
transactions between companies and
clients, the UAE occupied the twenty
first position whereas Britain came
The financial development report, is
sued by the global economic forum,
revealed that the UAE occupied the
sixteenth place in the index of inter-
net users while Norway came first.
In the index of broadband internet
subscribers, the UAE came in the
thirtieth position whereas Switzerland
occupied first position, and in the in
dex of phone lines, the UAE came
thirty-eighth with Germany in the first
position. The UAE also acquired ninth
place in the index of mobile phones
with Hong Kong in first position.
According to the global enabling trade
report, issued by the global eco-
nomic forum, the UAE occupied
ninth position in the index of
e-government services while
several other countries ac-
quired first position.
In regards to the index of
the percentage of individ-
ual internet users, the UAE
came in the eighteenth posi-
tion while Iceland came first,
and it came twentieth in the index
of investment in communication (%)
whereas India came first. Moreover,
the UAE acquired the thirty-eighth po
sition in the index of land line phones
where Taiwan took first place. The
UAE came first in the index of land
line tariffs while it came ninth in the
index of the mobile services subscrib-
ers with Hong Kong in first place.
In the index of mobile phone costs,
the UAE acquired ninth position while
Ukraine came first, and in the index
of communication technology, it ac-
quired the twenty-first position with
Lithuania in the first place. The UAE
also occupied the twenty-first place
in the index of communication with
Lithuania in the first position.
Availability of
of advanced
tech prod
Cyber security
% population
1...,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,...64
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