Closing on31/12/2024
eiman alshamsi
Mobile numberAim of the Consultation
The aim
of this consultation is to measure the level of satisfaction of users with the
digital services provided by UAEU. Through a comprehensive survey that includes
various questions, the university seeks to gather the opinions and experiences
of users to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its digital services and
ensure continuous improvement.
Expected Outcomes
university expects to gain clear insights from this survey regarding user
satisfaction with the ease of access to digital services, the efficiency and
responsiveness of the system, the quality of the information provided, and the
technical support experience. Additionally, the university aims to identify any
challenges or difficulties users may face and gather suggestions for possible improvements.
Improving the Quality of Digital Services
Based on the findings from the survey, the
university will take practical steps to enhance the available digital services,
whether through the development of existing systems, improving the user experience,
or providing more effective technical support. The ultimate goal is to enhance
the user experience and ensure their complete satisfaction with the digital
services provided.
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