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Prediction map of future issues

Subject of the consultation

The Ministry of Justice has unveiled the "Prediction Map of Future Issues" on its open data page at This interactive tool forecasts the number of cases anticipated to be registered in the coming two years.

This digital consultation initiative is to actively involve the audience, solicit their opinions regarding the page, gauge their satisfaction with the content, and identify optimal ways to enhance it.

 Digital consultation may include questions about the design and usability of the page, its sharing with others on social media, the availability of important information to the audience, as well as any suggestions or feedback that can be provided to develop the content.

Objective of the consultation

Digital consultation aims to determine the extent of the public's satisfaction with and benefit from the map of predicting future issues and open data.

Electronic decision making

Digital Consultation enables us to obtain feedback and suggestions from the public on the development of open data content which will support us in developing and improving our prediction map of future issues.

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