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Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT)

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Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology - Awareness of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Challenges and opportunities


.A key initiative of the National Strategy for Industry and Advanced Technology, Operation 300bn, is to catalyse the adoption of I4.0 technology to boost the productivity of anchor industries


.Enhancing the role of the public by directly involving it in the monitoring of our most prominent challenges and opportunities


The views of the target groups have been taken, and some fruitful observations have been applied in future improvement plans 

E- services has improved

We continue to raise awareness through campaigns, speaking opportunities and international participations

We have enhanced the make it in the Emirates page

We have launched ICV project and conducted multiple awareness sessions

We have announced incentive packages from EDB and ECI for SME's and UAE industries

We have launched industry dialouges and virtual and physical visits to industries

The answers gave us an indication on the level of awareness from the general public and based on that we have developed our social media posts and press releases

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