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Mobile Intellectual Property Department

Subject advice

Mobile Intellectual Property Department

- On 1/5/2018 and according to the resolution of the Minister ofJustice, the competent and mobile Intellectual Property Department was formed

throughout the Federal Judiciary in the UAE which is the first along the Arab Gulf and locally within the State.

- The establishment of this specialized and mobile department in the various emirates in the federal judiciary had achieved the Vision of the Ministry in " bringing justice to the customer" in obtaining intellectual property rights, trademarks and patents, and contributed to raising the efficiency and quality of the judicial services provided by preparing specialized judges to consider cases in an accurate and specialized manner. Therefore, the issued judicial sentences by these courts will establish specialized legal rules in the field of intellectual property that constitute a reference for the implementation of the Ministry's tasks related to trademarks and intellectual property.

Objective advice

The advice aims to know the opinions and suggestions of the public about the mobile intellectual property department and the importance of the role it plays in facilitating access to justice for customers in various emirates in the federal judiciary.

Expected decisions

 examine and make appropriate action and adjustment to the most prominent proposals and views thereon. 


The service was developed based on public opinion

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