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Share your opinion: How can we improve Twajudi service?

Twajudi is a service provided by MoFAIC through UAE Missions abroad, which facilitates the process of communication with its citizens in cases of crises and emergency in order to coordinate their return to the Country.

Subject of the Consultation:

Twajudi service.

Objective of the Consultation:

Engaging the public and receiving suggestions and initiative proposals on how can we improve Twajudi service.

Expected decisions as a result of consultation:

The ministry will look into ideas and suggestions to structure relevant initiatives and implement them, to improve the service.     


  • The ministry will increase the communication channels with the audience 
  • The ministry will research smart system that will allow it to reach the UAE nationals faster in case of emergency.
  • The ministry will offer special travel services to users who register in Twajudi service to encourage UAE nationals to register before travelling.   

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