Vocational and Technical Education… An Incubator for Expert National Leaders of Tomorrow

21/02/2021 Education | MINISTRY OF EDUCATION

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The UAE is rapidly advancing in preparation for the next 50 years as a pioneer of the future. In alignment with that goal, our leadership has launched the “Designing the Next 50 Years” project. They invite the general public to help shape our future by contributing to the pillars of the UAE Centennial Plan 2071, which focuses on enhancing the education sector and achieving its objectives. Among them is the development of the components of vocational education–a vital field with the power to contribute to sustainable development. We are in the shadow of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which calls for an investment in every opportunity we have in order to remain competitive in the global arena.


Our goal is to prepare the humans of the future and equip our promising youth with various technical, applied, and professional skills. We take into account the different educational needs and styles of students and develop specialized educational paths and contemporary disciplines to fully qualify them for the requirements of education and the future labour market.

Here, the concept of lifelong learning–where students are encouraged to learn on their own through various tools and means available–remains integral to their success. As such, this value must be strengthened in our schools and educational institutions.


The development of the technical and vocational education field as well as enhancing its output has always been of great importance. Today, this field occupies a growing space within the plans, strategies, and priorities of countries looking for leadership in the industrial sector. This field is the pillar on which countries lean on to achieve a sustainable economy and competitiveness. To enhance the quality of the outcomes of this field, we must devote innovation, learning diversification, advanced skills development, and technological integration to the entire education process.


In the UAE, we examine learning paths from one vantage point, one perspective, and with a deep interest. Civilization is built on the development of the humanities and knowledge-based expertise. A comprehensive renaissance requires effective educational outcomes and human competencies in vocational education, as is the case in public education. Vocational education has become a pillar of our country’s economic and developmental superiority. It is now a fertile field for students who wish to innovate and become indispensable in the industrial field.



With that said, vocational education has taken centre stage in the minds of our wise leadership, represented by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, who has directed the establishment of the Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training in 2010. This comes after the launch of the Institute of Applied Technology which has established itself as a leader in the technical and vocational education system. It has led the country towards new industrial horizons that correspond to the needs of strategic partners from government and private institutions and companies which are keen on contracting students of technical and vocational education whilst they are undergoing their education. Upon graduation, these students have the opportunity to be hired full-time. They become fully qualified and specialized experts capable of contributing to the industrial progress and development of the UAE in line with the highest international standards.



Written by H.E. Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi

Minister of Education in the UAE

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Anonymous Commented on 04/03/2021

من خلال تواجدى في العمليه التربوية بمهنة مساعد معلم وتواجدي على ارض الواقع في الميدان التربوى اجد ان وزارة التربيه والتعليم تبذل جهد جبار في العملية التعليميه ولقد لامست ان الكادر الاماراتي كفئ في تعليم الطلاب من ايصال المعلمومه واعداد جيل قارئ وكاتب ومبدع وانصح وبشده تعين الكوادر الاماراتيه واستقطابهم لما رأيت من جهود جباره في تعليم الطلاب وتنشأتهم تنشأة صحيحه من تعليم وتربيه فهم خير من يطبق تربية وتعليم واقترح استقطاب الكادر التعليمي الاماراتي من علاوات وميزات ومكافآت لمنع عزوفه عن التعليم

Anonymous Commented on 04/03/2021

إِنَّ تَعْزِيزَ اَلتَّعْلِيمِ اَلْمِهْنِيِّ وَالتِّقْنِيِّ مُبَادَرَةً جَدِيرَةً بِالثَّنَاءِ . تَكْمُنَ قُوَّةَ اَلدَّوْلَةِ فِي اَلتَّنَوُّعِ اَلْوَاسِعِ لِلْمَهَارَاتِ اَلَّتِي يَمْتَلِكُهَا اَلنَّاسُ . سَيَسْمَحُ اَلسَّمَاحُ بِالتَّعْلِيمِ اَلْمِهْنِيِّ وَالتِّقْنِيِّ بِالنُّمُوِّ نَحْوَ عَدَدٍ كَبِيرٍ مِنْ مَجْمُوعَاتِ اَلْمَهَارَاتِ اَلَّتِي تُغَذِّي قُوَّةً وَطَنِيَّةً أَقْوَى . أَعْتَقِدُ أَنَّ هَذِهِ اَلْمَهَارَاتِ تَحْتَاجُ إِلَى تَعْزِيزٍ عَلَى مُسْتَوَى اَلْمَدْرَسَةِ اَلثَّانَوِيَّة

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