future of youth

02/07/2020 General | Mariam Ali Khamis Almansoori

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A study on the future of youth
Youth are the safety valve, and a force for nations, and they are the multitude of nations, their wealth and their leaders. Youth in society are considered one of the important and vital groups in society. Due to the enormity of the role they play, in every art or creativity we find fingerprints for young people, even in the fields of defending homelands and jihad, and carrying the call, because youth had a great role in this, the UAE took several steps to ensure the active participation of young people and listen to their views, and strengthen the spirit of leadership They have. To reinforce this, she appointed a Minister of State for Youth at the age of 22 to become the youngest minister in the world. It has also undertaken several initiatives to enhance the national identity of youth and the spirit of belonging, in addition to establishing the Emirates Youth Council, which represents the aspirations and issues of youth in the government.
 The UAE seeks to deepen common constants, values, customs and behaviors among young people that contribute to increasing their awareness and consolidating citizenship in all its dimensions. The UAE is committed to promoting the values ​​of tolerance and combating extremism and deceptive practices.
In 2012, the Council of Ministers issued a document on the values ​​and behaviors of the Emirati citizen, which outlines the general behaviors and morals that should be adhered to in order to produce a good citizen who contributes to the elevation of his country, including a set of reciprocal rights and duties between the citizen and his society as a whole, in a manner that guarantees coexistence in his homeland in peace and security.
In June 2019, the Council of Ministers issued a decree mandating the inclusion of members of the Emirati youth category in the boards of directors of government agencies, institutions and companies, with at least one member, and those not older than 30 years old. The government has also launched a special online platform that follows the Council of Ministers to provide an opportunity for Emirati youth to register and apply online.
On February 3, 2020, the Council of Ministers approved the selection of 33 young applicants for membership in the boards of directors of federal agencies, in order to enhance youth participation in developing solutions to various national files and issues. The term of membership in the boards of directors of the regions is limited to two to three years, subject to renewal.
These steps had an effective role in involving young people in society, decision-making and raising their spirit of responsibility, as this strategy emanating from the wise vision of our leaders opened new ways to engage with youth, engage them, enhance their voices, and empower youth economically by focusing on training and jobs, and work hard to ensure respect Youth rights, strengthening their civic and political participation, and prioritizing support for young people in conflicts and humanitarian crises, including their participation in peace processes.
This strategy must be continued despite the challenges that youth may face in the future, including: -
- Youth inflation in the future, which is an increase in the percentage of youth in society, which may lead to high rates of youth unemployment and lead to significant economic and social consequences, including lack of equality and social exclusion, which are factors that fuel the feeling of discontent towards society and provide fertile ground for the manipulation of youth feelings and their exploitation by extremists.
Delay or reluctance to marry due to the inability to establish a family, which will affect the quality of families in the Emirates and the extinction of the extended family.
Frustration and boredom: Psychologists and researchers have confirmed that the level of frustration among young people is the highest in societies, and this is due in fact to the fact that young people have a tremendous energy of vitality, activity, and initiative spirit, when they are not absorbed or directed and are shocked by the bad reality that suffers from weak financial capabilities On the one hand, and the lack of programs to accommodate youth energies, on the other hand, this creates a feeling of despair and frustration for them.
To advance the future of youth, and benefit from them and their tremendous energy, many steps must be taken, including:
Taking lessons learned from countries that have reached youth bulge and transferring experiences across borders to better support the next generation.
Adopting best practices and institutional models to achieve more effective support for young people’s transition from school to work and then to the stage of family formation.
- Linking education with the labor market and obligating all educational institutions to coordinate and link with all state agencies and public and private institutions in a way that leads to everyone's involvement in developing the labor market and covering its needs with graduates with skills and knowledge and bridging the gap of the absence of competent national cadres in the labor market.
Maryam Ali Khamis Al Mansouri
Zakat Fund

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Anonymous Commented on 01/10/2020

موضوع المحادثة جيد للنقاش وفي المستوى بالتوفيق

Anonymous Commented on 01/10/2020

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