With an increase of 50%, the revenue of the zakat service directed was 34 million dirhams

28/06/2020 Charity and humanitarian work | His Excellency Abdulla Aqeeda Al Muhairi

 3973     6

In the endeavor of the Zakat Fund to achieve its goals and objectives for which it was established, and since its first launch in 2004 and the Zakat Fund offers a distinguished and pioneering service at the state level drawn for it in its founding law, which is the guided Zakat Service, the service has resulted in gaining the trust and interest of the zakat, as it has reached the value of Zakat for the large zakat from individuals and institutions within the legal banks of Zakat and according to the list of eligible Zakat in force in the Zakat Fund 34 million dirhams and 338 thousand 880 dirhams, and that since the beginning of this year until now, and with an increase of more than 50% from last year for the same period where it was The value of zakat directed is 18 million dirhams in 2019.

This service allows the zakat to direct their zakat to the groups they want to pay zakat to, whether inside or outside the country, according to the method and mechanism they want through a set of options offered by the zakat fund for them.

Directed Zakat is one of the important processes of collecting Zakat, and it is also a communication link based on the established trust between the Fund and the Zakat, and therefore the Zakat Fund has prepared these operations to be able to collect the Zakat from this category of dealers in a way that serves the mutual interests between the two parties and which helps in achieving And the vision, mission, plans and goals of the fund.

We affirm the importance of the solidarity of the masses of the zakat that made the Zakat Fund a kiss for their zakat, so that the fund can continue the march of giving that the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan, may God have mercy on him, started, and that the UAE will always remain a symbol of goodness, goodness and generosity as it is under our rational leadership.

Written by His Excellency Abdullah bin Aqidah Al-Muhairi

Zakat Fund

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Anonymous Commented on 01/07/2020

يزاكم خير وفي ميزان حسناتكم

Anonymous Commented on 30/06/2020

جزاكم الله خيراً على جهودكم المبذوله في خدمة فريضة الزكاه

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