The Human is at the Center of the Strategy of the Industrial Revolution

08/03/2020 Environment and energy | Ministry of Energy and Industry

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The U.A.E strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution focuses on a number of basic themes. Such themes includes the man of the future; and this through developing an enhanced smart education experience that contributes to improving the outputs of the education sector, in proportion to the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, by focusing on technology and advanced sciences, including Bioengineering, Nanotechnology, and Artificial Intelligence. 

The strategy includes genomics to contribute to UAE’s reaching an advanced position in it so that it will be a global center for smart personal genomics and for genomic medical tourism, by improving levels of health care, and developing medical solutions and personalized genomic drugs as per the needs of patients.

In addition, the strategy includes focusing on robotic health care, and utilizing robotics and the nanotechnology to enhance the capabilities of providing health and surgical tele-care services in the country and abroad. The strategy also aims at developing connected healthcare to provide smart medical solutions around the clock, through wearable technology and transplantation in the human body.


The strategy includes as well the matter of future security through achieving water and food security by developing an integrated and sustainable system of water and food security. Such system is based on the employment of Bioengineering science and advanced technology for renewable energy, and enhancing economic security by adopting the digital economy and technology for digital transactions.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution also focuses on several main subjects including the combination of physical, digital and Biological technologies, where physical technology is easily recognizable due to its tangible nature. This includes self-driving cars, 3D printing, and robots. The digital technology is summarized in the 'Internet of Things’ and Big data, whereas and Biotechnology is genetics, which is an important factor in curing most serious diseases, such as diabetes, heart and cancer.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution relies on the digital revolution, in which technology forms an integral part of society and a link between the physical, digital and biological world. It is characterized by the use of advanced technology in various fields to improve efficiency, speed of developments and growth, and the scope of the fourth industrial revolution extends to all fields and sectors.

In a quick reading of the productive revolutions, we find that the world passed through four major revolutions, as the agricultural revolution started

more than 10 thousand years ago, followed by the First Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, which was based on coal and steam power, then the Second Industrial Revolution in the 19th century that was based on Electricity; and the Third one that began in the 1960s and was computer-led, known as the "Digital Revolution."

As for the Fourth industrial Revolution, it is a revolution that the human history has never experienced before, whether in terms of speed, scope or level of complications, and it is driven by major engines, which are: artificial intelligence, robots, self-driving cars, 3D printers, giant data, and virtual currencies, Internet of Things, Nano technology, Biotechnology, Energy Storage and Quantum computing.

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