M-Gene smart technology for evaluating and diagnosing the newborn

16/10/2019 Health and fitness | Dr.Yosif Alsarkal Asst.Undersecretary Hospitals

 4657     2

On the side-lines of its participation at GITEX Technology Week 2019, the Ministry of Health and Prevention revealed that it has developed a project (M-Gene) for evaluating and diagnosing the new born to detect any genetic diseases, as a smart tool offering a diagnostic face reading for the newborn with immediate results and without the need to surgical intervention. M-Gene application can easily detect genetic diseases, thus enabling the doctor to examine the baby immediately after birth, with no need to take a blood test or any other specialized analysis

The new M-Gene technology helps alleviate the tension and anxiety of children’s parents and provides immediate results. This allows doctors to determine whether the child needs to be examined by a medical geneticist or not. Thousands of cases have benefitted from this technology which is currently available at four hospitals. The project will be applied in additional hospitals for women and children in the upcoming stage. According to the project statistics, 1663 cases were evaluated and diagnosed, of which 1613 found normal and 49 were infected

M-Gene project aims to meet healthcare needs to improve health services in MOHAP hospitals, in line with the Ministry’s strategy to integrate the Artificial Intelligence by 100% into medical services, in pursuance of the UAE Artificial Intelligence Strategy and Data Analysis by 100% by the year 2021, and also in line with the UAE Centennial 2071 to make a paradigm shift in the healthcare field

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