5G: What’s The Big Deal?

30/07/2019 Technology | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority Team

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By: Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori

Director General of the UAE’s TRA

Despite all the heated global debates on Fifth Generation technology (5G); the unquestionable fact remains that it is strongly knocking on our doors. In fact, 5G is not just technology and this is not just the start of an ordinary development stage as what we have experienced from the first to the fourth generation. 5G is not just a trend that would quickly fade after a rise.  

5G marks a new chapter in human evolution. It is a milestone in the history of mankind and towards the pursuit of major aims such as a Smart city, the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data (new digital oil), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their applications in fields of medicine, transport, infrastructure, education, and others.


If the revolution by definition is the qualitative change that occurs as a result of a series of quantitative changes, it can be said that the 5G is closer to revolution than to evolution.


This series includes four generations. The first of which was in the 1980s when the world celebrated the first wireless phone that only transmitted audio. The possibility of transferring written text between two wireless devices was the launch of the Second Generation. The Third Generation comprised the ability to make voice calls, text messages along with browsing the Internet through mobile devices described as "smart" and then came the Fourth, and the most intelligent, Generation, which added the ability to download and upload videos easily through mobile phones.


However, the Fifth Generation is a completely different story.

In 2016, Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum called it the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as many concepts of the smart city such as 3D printing, self-driving cars, quantum computing, nanotechnology and intelligent robots became increasingly popular. 


These concepts quickly turned into future commitments for many countries, through action plans, road maps and future projects. Yet, could these projects be implemented with the expected effectiveness, without the 5G? Can you imagine a smart city without a high-speed Internet connection and without the instant flow of data not across thousands, but millions of devices?


The strong and constant presence of the term “5G” in our daily lives is a reflection of the fact that what was being prepared on low heat is now boiling, indicating the actual near-entry of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Estimates indicate that 2020 will be a turning point in the global journey towards a new era, with the number of Internet-connected devices reaching 20.8 billion.


In light of this information, it has become clear that UAE needs to develop strategies and plans of action in preparation for the 5G in foresight, analysis and planning. It is not a secret that we, in the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), are currently drafting and adopting the first national 5G strategy, in preparation for transformation from the smart government to the full smart lifestyle in which machines, devices and places communicate in all directions to serve humanity. 


It is our pledge and promise to lead and shape the future we aspire for our country, society and generations, a future based on the concepts of advanced science, technology, sustainability, innovation and proactive thinking.


For us, these concepts represent civilized values rather than current trends related to a particular progress or an ICT generation. If we recall, for example, the pre-generations phase, i.e. before the first generation of wireless communications, particularly the early 1980s, while the installation of a home phone would take one to two years in some countries of the region, getting a fixed line in the young UAE at that time took only a few hours, including bringing technicians home and installing cables inside the house.


With the same spirit, we are entering the age of 5G, with our eyes, minds and arms widely open to its enormous emerging opportunities without losing sight of the challenges and dangers, which are undoubtedly numerous. Foremost among these are safety and security risks. However, risk preparedness is one thing but surrendering to premature panic as a result of uncertainties is another.


It is self-evident that each era holds its own fears and ambiguity and the rise of voices here and there, warning of health, social, security or similar risks is not new in the course of technological development. Those fears and warnings need real examination to make sure they are factual. Yet, not calling allegations as facts does not mean we call for their absolute disregard.



A matter of such strategic importance must not be dealt with simply and lightly, relying on a video here or an article there. Overlooking the availability of expertise and international scientific institutions that are specialized references in such matters is not correct.


Last but not the least, 5G is certainly a global concern. Hence, the debate among international bodies on the prospects of this technology can only be solved through a comprehensive global agreement that seeks the benefit of all humanity, starting a new chapter in history. Until such a comprehensive global agreement takes place, the boiler will remain boiling. We will have to remain vigilant about those who publish unconfirmed news and rumors dressed as scientific truths.


Note: We look forward to hear your comments and views on 5G and this article.

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Anonymous Commented on 31/07/2019

الكل يتحدث عن الجيل الخامس، ونحن حتى الآن مش فاهمين شو اللي جاري.. كيف سنستفيد من الجيل الخامس، وهل سيكون أرخص من الرابع؟

Anonymous Commented on 31/07/2019

What am I going to get from 5G? As a citizen I need more information: will it be cheaper than 4G? Will it be faster...

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