Culture of Political Participation

30/07/2019 | Minisrty of State For Federal National Council Affairs

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The concept of "political culture" refers to "the set of beliefs, values, sentiments, attitudes and patterns of behavior of individuals in their relations with political power in society, in particular the values of freedom, loyalty and belonging, legitimacy and participation".


The culture of political participation is the most important type of political culture because it is a political culture that carries a positive meaning in the participation of citizens in political life by exercising their right to vote and to stand for parliamentary councils or to support government leaders in managing the political work in the UAE or at least to discuss political issues with others through joining civil society organizations. This will result in the stability of the political system and increase the loyalty of citizens to the ruling authority and the citizens' full knowledge of their rights and duties, thus increasing the degree of realism and flexibility in the demands of these citizens.


Political participation does not require the participation of all citizens in all political activities and areas in the UAE at all times, but rather the participation of as many of them as possible in as many of these activities and political fields as possible, depending upon their talents, aptitudes and capabilities.


Public participation in public life varies from traditional to non-traditional: traditional activities include voting in elections, monitoring political affairs, participating in election campaigns for candidates for public office, whether by money or advertising, joining civil society organizations, and running for public office in the State. Non-traditional activities include some legal activities such as filing complaints with the public authorities.


The culture of political participation imposes a number of principles that every citizen wishing to participate in national decision-making in some way must possess, the most important of which are:

         Loyalty to political leadership, patriotism and belonging to homeland and its history and heritage, maintaining its principles, characteristics and national interest.

         Respecting opinion of others, so that each of us does not cling to his opinion nor underestimate the opinions of others, even if not in accordance with their own opinion; we must apply the old saying: "Our opinion is right with the possibility of being wrong, and that of others is wrong with the possibility of it being right."

         Spreading the culture of positive participation, so that this culture becomes a daily practice in all aspects of our lives.

         Respecting the principle of equality as a cornerstone of our society.

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