18/07/2019 Justice, safety and the law | Lt. General Saif Abdullah Al Sha'far, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Interior
6053 2
Lt. General Saif Abdullah Al Sha'far said in a speech that the UAE has made great strides in cooperation with a number countries in the field of chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear hazards in terms of supplying trained human resources, infrastructure and logistic equipment in the Ministry of Interior, In this regard, as the State has strengthened its capacities in the prevention and handling of these events through comprehensive plans that adopt coordination between all sectors.
Question Migration Commented on 30/09/2019
great country! great leaders! great service
Question Migration Commented on 29/09/2019
الله يوفقكم ويسدد جهودكم ، فريق وقيادة متميزة ، نرجو لهم التوفيق والنجاح
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