Launches 3 rd unified traffic awareness campaign 2020 across UAE

16/08/2020 Justice, safety and the law | Major General Mohammad Saif Al Zafeen, Chairman of the Federal Traffic Council

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The campaign embodies the Ministry of Interior's strategy aimed at ensuring safety on the road pursuant to the police leadership’s vision to reach the highest levels of traffic safety for all road users. The campaign also seeks to spread traffic awareness about the importance of conducting regular maintenance of the vehicle and ensuring that tyres and brakes are fit. This in turn will keep all road users safe and secure especially that the scorching summer heat may harmfully affect the performance of tyres and vehicles. Therefore, motorists are advised to conduct regular maintenance and checks on time, especially before setting out for long trips.

The campaign comes as part of a series of major campaigns launched by the Ministry of Interior nationwide with the aim of protecting road users from traffic accidents. The campaign urges motorists to take all the necessary precautions related to the safety of their vehicles and performing regular maintenance, and ensuring the safety and functioning of their vehicles to protect their safety and the safety of others. For this reason, the Ministry chose the slogan of the campaign “Safe Summer Traffic” which coincides with the start of the summer vacation and the road travel season. Many precautions related to the safety of the vehicle and tyres should be taken and motorists are therefore requested to stick to load limits on their vehicles – at a maximum height of 60 cm, especially as any overload may cause the vehicle to lose balance and the driver to lose control.

Major General Mohammad Saif Al Zafeen
Chairman of the Federal Traffic Council

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Anonymous Commented on 22/11/2020

الله يحفظ الجميع وشكرا وزارة الداخلية

Anonymous Commented on 22/11/2020

نتمني لهم كل التوفيق والنجاح

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