Activate Remote Employment in All Customer Happiness Centers

09/07/2020 Social affairs | Adel Ramzy

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announced the activation of remote employment in all customer happiness centers of the Authority in the State various emirates as of  Sunday, March 22, 2020. Therefore, all centers will be closed until further notice; and all services will be provided to customers through the website,

or the call center on the toll free number 80010.

activating the remote employment system is a step aiming at supporting the government measures to reduce the spread of Corona virus, noting that the Authority adapts the procedures to ensure that services are effectively and efficiently provided as they were in its customer happiness centers.

 that all Authority services will not be affected by any measures taken in such circumstances in order to maintain the customers and employees health and safety. On the contrary, the Authority is going to double the efforts to complete transactions at rates higher than the target.

 that social solidarity and cohesion that characterizes the UAE society is capable of overcoming the challenges left by Corona virus on various business sectors

 including pension sector, noting that the Authority in particular will benefit from this experience

generated from Corona virus to develop scenarios in order to deal with such crises in the future

Mohammed Saif Al Hameli

Director General of the General Pension & Social Security Authority

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