Social welfare programme for low-income citizens

Social welfare programme for low-income citizens

The UAE’s new social welfare programme for low-income citizens targets Emirati families whose total income is less than AED 25,000 a month. The programme covers various social aspects and support schemes packages as follows:

  • Introducing new allowances - These cover housing allowance, university education allowance, allowance for unemployed citizens over the age of 45 and allowance for unemployed job-seekers
  • Increasing existing allowances - The programme increased the existing allowances allocated to all family members, including the head of the family, wife and children


In addition, there is the inflation allowance, which covers food, electricity and water, and fuel subsidies.




Restructured in July 2022, the social welfare Programme for low-income citizens was allocated a budget of AED 28 billion. The programme is managed by Ministry of Community Development (MoCD) and it will be implemented in September 2022.

UAE  President restructure Social Welfare Programme for low income citizens

The UAE President restructures Social Welfare Programme of low-income citizens into an integrated programme worth AED28 billion instead of AED14 billion. Three main programmes within the UAE's President's initiative for social welfare. Three main programmes within the UAE's President's initiative for social welfare.


1. New Allowances

Unemployed citizens allowance: Up to AED 5,000 per month for citizens over the age of 45

Housing allowance: Up to AED 2,500 per month

University education allowance: AED 3,200 per month to outstanding students

Unemployed job seekers allowance: AED 5,000 per month for six months


2. Increasing Allowances

Head of family allowance: Increases up to AED 13,000 according to years of experience


Wife allowance: Increases up to AED 3,500 per month


Children allowance: 

AED 2,400 per month for the first child

AED 1,600 per month for the second and third child

AED 800 for the fourth child or more



3. Inflations Allowance

Fuel subsidies

A monthly subsidy of 85% of the fuel price increase over AED2.1 per litre


Electricity and water subsidies

Monthly subsidy of 50% for electricity consumption less than 4,000 kilowatts, and for water at a value of 50% for consumption less than 26,000 gallons


Food supplements subsidies

75% of food price inflation


How to apply

Eligible individuals can apply for social subsidy services through the website and/or the application of MoCD.




Contact MoCD for queries.



Related links

Watch this video about how to apply for Social welfare programme.



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