mGovernment Magazine - Issue 18 - page 8

UN report introduces 10 success stories of Smart Cities, including Dubai & Abu Dhabi
smart city
transformation map in Arab cities
The report aiming to become a common
ground from which policy makers can
take major decisions on the highest level,
related to the transformation into smart
cities, relied on two main points, namely
performance assessment and smart cit-
ies. It focused on outlining the Smart City
concept as well as the principles for Smart
City development, smart city strategies,
transformations and dimensions and gov-
ernance issues leading to the concept of
Transformation to Smart Cities.
The report introduces success stories of
10 Smart Cities, including Dubai. Dubai’s
e x p e r i -
ence was
highlighted as one
of the best practices in
Smart City Transformation.
The report said that Dubai has decided
to adopt the Smart City transformation ap-
proach. It took Dubai 12 years from the
intention to embark on an e-government
to develop into operational smart govern-
ment. This has provided a solid base from
which smart Dubai could be easily and
smoothly realized.
The report listed “Masdar City” in Abu
Dhabi as a
ce s s f u l
model. The city
was founded within
the framework of Abu Dhabi’s
developmental plan based on the
strategy of transforming its economy from
relying on natural resources to an econo-
AUnited Nations report titled “Smart Cities: Regional Perspec-
tives” urged Arab cities aspiring towards fast transformation
to Smart Cities to implement a set of metrics, indicators and
measurement of Smart Cities to be done in detail over a se-
lected set of Arab Cities. The report also recommended cur-
rent status assessment of the city, identifying ar-
eas where smart applications can be developed
within the framework of the transformation to a
Smart City, along with providing a comprehensive
study on a possible piece wise development and
encouraging inter-regional cooperation among
Arab Cities.
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