












Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

24-hour work permit

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

24-hour work permit

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Academic Advising


Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Account Statement Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Add Land

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Add Material Application

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Add or Replace a Fishing Boat Engine

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Add sikka

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Aerial Photography (CDs)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Enquiry

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Modification

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Official Letter

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Renewal

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Agency Transfer

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Al Bahar - Marine services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Alumni ID Card


Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

AMEL Exam request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Amend Trademark Owner Information

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Amendment of OpSpec

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

AML Fines Payments

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Financial Market

Annual Custody Fees

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior


Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Customs

Appeal on Customs Decision

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Appeal request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Application for appeal decision

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Application for Balance Refund or Transfer

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Application Status

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Application to file an objection

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply for a Hazardous Waste Transport Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Apply for a housing loan

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply for a New Building Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for a Parking Reservation Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Roads and Transport Authority - Dubai

Apply for a Special Driving Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply for an Advertising Permit on Buildings

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for Certificate of Competency (CoC)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Apply For Early settlement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Apply for Export Bill of Entry

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for flag state endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for GMDSS endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply for Industrial Design

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply for Industrial Drawing

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply For Job

Finance and economy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Apply For Liability Letter

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Multi-Storey Parking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply for Patent

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Permit to Manage and Rent Private Parking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Permit to Operate Valet Parking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply for Permit to Remove a Parking Space

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply For Preliminary Amendment

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Apply for project delay justification

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for re-issue of Seafarer's license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for renew of flag state endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Apply For Retention Payment

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for Seafarer's Discharge Book (SDB)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for Seafare's license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Apply for Tanker Endorsement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Apply For Utility Certificate

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Apply to Renew Permit to Reserve Parking for Charity Campaigns

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Apply to Test Food Samples

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Approval of Civil Design for Transformer Room

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Approval of Water Tank Location

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department

Arrival and Departure

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Artistic group permit

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Chamber

ATA Carnet

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Attendance & Follow-Up of Complaints

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Attestation of Official Deeds

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Automobile Club License Cancellation Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Aviation services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Bill Explanation

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Bill Payment Requests

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Broadband Professional

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Build Your Statistical Report

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Ajman | Municipality and Planning Department - Ajman

Building permit services -AMAR

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality

Building Permits

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Building services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Business Card e-Form


Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Business Complete Plan

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Business Name Availability

Finance and economy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Business Roaming Packs

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Airports

By Bus

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Airports

By Metro

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Cable or Meter Shifting

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Cancel a request

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Chamber

Cancel ADCCI Membership

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Cancel or Withdraw Application

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Culture

Cancel Press Card


Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Cancel Unregistered Trademarks

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Cancelation of Seafarer's license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cancellation of ID card

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cancelling Vehicle

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Career Counseling


Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Career Counselling


Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution

Case Inquiry

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Case Registration

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Change Fishing Method

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Change Trademark Agent

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Change Vehicle Plate Number

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Airports

Check flight status

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Family Care Authority

Child Foster Request

Social Affairs

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Claim Applications

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Close Account Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Commodities Prices

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Compulsory Licensing Service

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Connecting You

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Connection Process - Solar Energy

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Connections Estimate Payment

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Construction Materials Research Lab Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Consumer Complaints

Finance and economy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Consumer Protection Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Corpse Entry Permit

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Credit Refund Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Cremation Permit Query

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Customer feedback form

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department

Customs Duties

Justice and safety

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Data Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

DDos Protection

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Dead Body Transport Permission

Justice and safety

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department


Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Deletion Request for national pleasure boat

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Delivering Friday Sermon

Public holidays and religious affairs

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Deposits Payment

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Deregister Commercial Agency

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Design Acceptance

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Destroy Explosives and Ammunition

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Detainee Visit Request

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Diplomatic Notes Gateway

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Diplomatic Service

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Disability parking

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display Dubai In Figures

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Display EV Green Charger Locations

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display Population Clock

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display Statistics on Map

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Display/Download Statistical Reports & Indicators

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Diversion of Cable Lines

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Document Verification

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Drawing Approval Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority


Finance and economy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Du Managed IPTV

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Dubai Info

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Dwelling Disposal Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

E Crime

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Early warning

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Earthquake monitoring

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Edit Lawyer's information

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments


Public holidays and religious affairs

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electrical Contracting Licensing Certificate Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Electrical Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electrical Technical Report Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Electricity Connection Cost Calculator

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electricity Reinforcement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Electricity Site Clearance

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Electricity/Water Network Modification

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Electronic Quran

Public holidays and religious affairs

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Emergency Hot Lines

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Engineering drawings approval

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | UAE Public Prosecution

Enquiry application

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Enquiry of Environmental Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Pension Fund

Entity Registration Request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Errors Inquiry

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

E-Service Conversion Request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

E-Services Technical Support

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Estisharat Service

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Events Security Request

Justice and safety

Dubai | Federal Tax Authority

Excise Tax Registration

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Export of Hazardous Waste

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Fast Receipt of Notes of Construction Projects

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police


Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Feedback and suggestion

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

File a Criminal Complaint

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

File a Labour Complaint

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

File Criminal Reports

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

File Traffic Reports

Justice and safety

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Finance Services

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Financial Aid


Dubai | Dubai Courts

Find Private Notary Offices

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Flight timetable

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Airport

Flight tracking

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality

Food/ Consumer/ Veterinary Product Registration

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Foreign Company Cancellation

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Foreign Company Renewal

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Foreign Trade Statistics

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Fresh Start Admission


Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

General Certificate of Origin

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Geological Film Purchase Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Geological Maps Purchase Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Geological Studies Purchase Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Geophysical Studies Purchase Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Getting Electricity Connections

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Getting Electricity Supply for Tents

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Getting Solar Connections

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Getting Water Connections

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Global Ethernet

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department

Goods For Personal Use

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Government Land Map

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters


Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Guide to Moving Out

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Hajj permit

Public holidays and religious affairs

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Hassantuk for Buildings

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Hassantuk For Homes

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Heavy Vehicle Parking Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

High Water Usage Alert

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Home finance deduction calculator

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Home Security Service

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Housing Arrears Assistance Scheduling Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Housing assistance loan exemption Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Housing Assistance Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Housing Grants Services - Grants

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Est

Housing Services - To Whom It May Concern

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

How to Connect

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Human Trafficking Crimes

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import a Pesticide Consignment

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import an Agricultural Consignment

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import of Animal Feed and Fodder

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import of Animal Samples

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import of Fishing Tools and Equipment

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import of pets (cats / dogs)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import of Semen or Embryos

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Import of Veterinary Raw Materials

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Importer code/Agent code

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Infrastructure Projects Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Initial Approval Cancellation

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Inmate Visit Request

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Inquire the Case Details

Justice and safety

Dubai | Ministry of Education



Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Economic Development Department - Sharjah


Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Inquiry by Case Number

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Inquiry for Non-Food Distribution Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Federal Tax Authority

Inquiry Request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Inspection Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Issue a Livestock Farm License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Issue a new port statement of compliance

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology

Issue a Non Objection Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Issue a Plant Nursery License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology

Issue a Product Efficiency Card

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology

Issue a Product Label Card

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Issue a Re-export Permit for Fodder

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Issue a Return Document

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Issue a Vehicle Driving License

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Issue a Vehicle Ownership Card

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Issue an Agricultural Activity License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Issue Announcements Permits

Public holidays and religious affairs

Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority For Nuclear Regulation

Issue Calibration Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority For Nuclear Regulation

Issue Irradiation Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology

Issue of Value-Added Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Issue of OpSpec

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Federal Authority For Nuclear Regulation

Issue Statement for Customs

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Financial Market

Issuers - Listing Funds

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Financial Market

Issuers - Reports

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Issuing Official Map

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Issuing Ownership Map

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

IT Business Case


Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

IT Equipment Request


Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Land services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Leasing of Temporary Site

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Legal Affairs Services

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Culture

Library Membership


Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Licensing Directive

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Licensing Using Trademark

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Locating the Interlock Area

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Lost Item Certificate

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Main Visits Service

Justice and safety

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Managed LAN

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Maps ( Paper Maps)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Maps (CDs)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Maritime Safety & Security Device

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | UAE Accountability Authority

Media Request​​

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Medical Treatment Extension

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Mentoring Tool


Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Merge Map - Land

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Meter Examination Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Meter Shifting Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Department of Finance - Dubai

Military Pension

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Modify Agent

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Modify Agent Information

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Modify data of port statement of compliance

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Modify ID Card Data

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Modify/Terminate License

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Modify/Terminate Pledge

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Move Account Under Social Care Case Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Move Balance From one Account to Another Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Multi SIM

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

My Sustainable Living Programme

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority


Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters


Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

National air quality platform

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD)

Native Trees Translocation Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

New Housing Support Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Chamber

New Membership

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

New Tenant Registration Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Night Work Permit

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

NOTAM Summary

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Obtain an Environmental Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

ONCE Program


Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Online Publication

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority

Online SEWA Account

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Organising Mosque Lessons

Public holidays and religious affairs

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Oyoon Card Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

P2 Deletion

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Parking Assignment Renew

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Parking Fines Exemption

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Partial or full payment request service

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Pay Annual Fee

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Pay Bills

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zakat Fund

Pay your Zakat online

Social Affairs

Dubai | Dubai Police

Payment History

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Payment of Traffic Fines

Justice and safety

Dubai | Digital Dubai Authority

Payment through the Mobile Phone

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Payments Inquiry

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

People of Determination

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Permanent New Power Connection Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Permanent New Water Connection Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Permanent Service Demolish Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Permission to Close a Road/Street

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Permit for Night-Time Concrete Casting

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Permit to Import Non-Food Chemical Material Query

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department

Personal Exemption

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Courts

Personal Status Certifications

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Pesticide Registration

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Physical Planning Statement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Pilot Exam Request

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Police Clearance Certificate

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Police Eye

Justice and safety

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Premier Plan Service

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Prices Increase Request

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Print Décor Works Completion Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Project Management Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Property Ownership Change Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Prosecution Side Appeal

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Protocol Handbook

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Provide financial aid


Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Query Consultant Projects

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Query Contractor Projects

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Query for Free Sale Certificate for Local Market

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Query for Supplier Registration

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Query for Tenancy Contract Using SEWA Number

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Readmission to ZU


Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy


Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Public Prosecution

Receive a Dead Body

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Receiving Social Cases

Justice and safety

Dubai | Federal Tax Authority

Reconsideration Request

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Register a Hosting Meeting

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Register Commercial Agency

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Central Bank of the U.A.E.

Register Insurance Broker

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Register License

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Register Pledge

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Register Trademark

Finance and economy

Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality

Register your Tenancy Contract

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Registration of Veterinary Product

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Registration of Agricultural Holdings

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Removal of Permanent/Temporary Electricity Connection

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Removing of Permanent/Temporary Water Connection

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Renew a Deputy Boat Master’s Card

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Renew a fishing boat license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Renew a Livestock Farm License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Renew a Plant Nursery License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Renew an Agricultural Activity License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Renew Fishing Boat License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Renew ID Card

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Renew Permit to Place Chairs Outside Premises

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Renew Permit to Reserve Parking for Basement Extension

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Culture

Renew Press Card


Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Renewal of Grants Maps

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Renewal of Seafarer's License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Rental Contract Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Replacement of Fishing Boat

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Report Bounced Cheques

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Report Bounced Cheques - Banks

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Report Lost Item


Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Finance

Report on Whistleblowing Cases

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Reporting Vehicle Obstruction

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Re-print Building Condition Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Re-print Final Décor Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center

Request a Certificate to Dispose of Expired Food

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Request a falcon passport

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center

Request a Licence to Practice Waste Management

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center

Request a Permit to Access Landfills

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Chamber

Request ADCCI Membership Renewal

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Request Agricultural Extension Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Request Approval of Pest Control Supervisor/Operator

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Request Change of Owners

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company

Request Discharge Permit for Sewerage Tanker

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request Distance Measurement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Request for a reduction in housing equipment's prices

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for a Statistical Training Awareness Program

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for a Technical Statistical Training Program

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Request For Activities

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for an Internship Program

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request for bidding in engineering projects

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Request for Clearance Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Request For Collective Billing

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for Conducting Opinion Polls Studies

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for Conducting Statistical Field Survey

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for Developing Statistical Data Packages

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company

Request for Diverting Sewerage Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company

Request for External Sewerage Route Approval

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Request for Falcon Identification Rings

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Agriculture And Food Safety Authority

Request for Farm Status Report

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Request for Identification of Pest Specimens

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request for issuance of PRO card

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Agriculture And Food Safety Authority

Request for Land Levelling Service

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Request for Pest Control Supervisor/Operator Card

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request for PRO Card Cancellation

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Request for Reconsideration

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Request for Refund

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request for renewal of PRO card

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Request for Security Barrier

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Request for Seeing a Land

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company

Request for Sewerage Connection Point Details

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company

Request for Sewerage GIS Drawings and Data

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Municipality

Request for Ship Sanitation Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request for small boat driving license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for Smart Statistics Suite Technical Support

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Request for Special Needs Case

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for Statistical Reports & Indicators

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Ajman | Transport Authority- Ajman

Request for Taxi

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Statistics Center

Request for Technical Statistical Consultation

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Request for using a house template

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Land Department - Dubai

Request for Usufruct Registration

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Request for Vehicle Towing

Justice and safety

Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah Municipality

Request New Lease / Renew Lease / Terminate Lease

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Request of Approval for Material Submittal

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request of Individual Housing Initial Handover

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Request of Proposed Locations for Future Ducts

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Request of Proposed Locations for Future Ducts (Water)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Mobility

Request Parking Reservation Permit For Basement Extension

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zakat Fund

Request Relief Service

Social Affairs

Abu Dhabi | Zakat Fund

Request Senior Benefactors Service

Social Affairs

Dubai | Dubai Police

Request Sport Facility Service

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Request Statistics

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Request ٍSubsidies for Farmers

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Request Subsidies for Fishermen

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Request Subsidies for Fishers

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Request to follow up on a project

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request to issue a guarantor license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request to issue Automobile Club License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request to Issue Non-Objection Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Request to Remove Soil

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request to renew a guarantor license

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request to renew Automobile Club License

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request to Renewal Non-Objection Certificate

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Request to Update Owner - Tenant Data

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Request Value Estimate of Accident Damage

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Request Veterinary Extension Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Requesting a Lecturer Details

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Requests for Quotations

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Reserve Vehicle Plate Number

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Reset User Password

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Residential Assistance Cancellation Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Residential Rates and Tariffs

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Customs Department

Restricted Goods

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Road Status Notification

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Scholarship Request


Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Search for a mosque

Public holidays and religious affairs

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Secure Heavy Vehicle Route

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Security & Protecting Facilities

Justice and safety

Dubai | Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du)

Security Consulting

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Security Directives

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Security Permits

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Sell a Fishing Boat

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology

Selling standards

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Service Feedback

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Service for New Customer Reconnct for Maintainence

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Service Inquiries Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Shams Dubai

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Real Estate Registration Department -Sharjah

Share your Experience

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Shifting Diversion E-Service Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Shifting Diversion Water Service Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Sign Up

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Site Clearance Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company

Site Inspection Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Skip Relocation Permit

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Small housing unit building permission

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Smart vision

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

SMS Donation

Charity and humanitarian work

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Splitting of Building

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Sponsor Access System


Abu Dhabi | Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi

Statistical Consultancy Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi

Statistical Data Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi

Statistical Opinion Poll Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi

Statistical Survey Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi

Statistical Training Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Structural Audit Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sub Visits Service

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Justice

Submit a complaint/ grievance

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Submit Export Declaration (E.D)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Ministry of Education



Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Survey Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Tariff Calculator

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Federal Tax Authority

Tax Group Registration

Finance and economy

Dubai | Federal Tax Authority

Tax Records Amendment

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Tayseer (Smart Collection Platform)

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

Teaching the Holy Quran

Public holidays and religious affairs

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

Technical Acceptance

Finance and economy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Technical Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Temporary Meter Reinforcement Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Temporary Power Connection Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Temporary Water Connection Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Finance

Tenders and Auctions System

Finance and economy

Dubai | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

Testing Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments

The prayer time service

Public holidays and religious affairs

Dubai | Dubai Police

To Whom It May Concern

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

To Whom IT May Concern - Certificate Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

To Whom it may Concern for Inmate

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Tourist Security Details

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Tracking Dispute

Finance and economy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Trade Mark Registration

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademark Agent Registration

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademark Information Certificate

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademark Logo Modification

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademark Mortgage

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademark Ownership Transition

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademark Products Modification

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademark Renewal

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademarks Inquiry

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Trademarks Inquiry For Gov

Finance and economy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Trading licence services

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Traffic File Opening

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Sharjah Police Headquarters

Traffic fines

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Traffic Fines Exemption

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Traffic Fines Inquiry and Payment

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Traffic Fines Installment

Justice and safety

Dubai | Dubai Police

Traffic Training Courses

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Transfer Fishing Boat Ownership

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Transfer Of Water Connection Line

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | General Civil Aviation Authority

UAE AIP Subscription

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Unified Marine Permit Center

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Pension Fund

Update Customer's Data

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Updating housing assistance data

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Upload Manifest/Add BOL

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Fujairah | Fujairah Municipality

Urban Planning Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah Housing Programme

Urgent housing request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

User Registrations

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Pension Fund

Validate the Certificate

Finance and economy

Dubai | Federal Tax Authority

VAT Registration

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Vehicle Export

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Vehicle Export

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Vehicle Ownership Renewal

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Vehicle Ownership Transfer

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Interior

Vehicle Technical Inspection

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Vehicle Tourism

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Vehicle Transfer

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Vehicles Services

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Vendor registration

Justice and safety

Abu Dhabi | Ministry of Economy

Verify Certificate Of Origin Data

Finance and economy

Abu Dhabi | National Guard

Vessel & Boat Inspections

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Vessel (Voyage) Registration

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Dubai | Dubai Police

Victim Support Program

Justice and safety

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

View Deposit Statement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

View Duty Statement

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

View Shipment Arrival Details

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Zayed University

Visitor Request


Sharjah | Department of Seaports and Customs - Sharjah

Voyage Sharing

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Warnings map

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Water and Electricity Bill Payment

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Water Meter Reinforcement Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Water Services

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Water Site Clearance

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Water Tanker Check-Up

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Water Tanker Rental Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Al Ain Distribution Company

Water Technical Report Request

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Weather conditions

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | National Center of Meteorology

Weather stations

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Sharjah City Municipality

Work Permit on Eid Al Adha

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi Distribution Company

Your Guide to Moving In

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Sharjah | Directorate of Town Planning and Survey - Sharjah

Your Location

Infrastructure, environment and energy

Emergency Contacts Title

Police Title










Need Help

Need Help Description


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