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Qualification of judges, prosecutors and lawyers on a distance-training course

Subject advice

Although distance training was a method used by many educational and training institutions, it was used with a clump when the Covid-19 (Corona) pandemic appeared in various fields, The Judicial Training Institute has been required to continue basic training courses for prosecutors and lawyers to relate to the duration of the training requirement and has continued to conduct ongoing training courses, hold seminars for members of the Ministry of Justice and those related to remote legal work and bring this exceptional circumstance to the end. To stimulate the management capabilities of the Institute to search for the best means and methods and to provide the best of their abilities to carry out the training programs in a most effective manner.

The advantages of remote training can be summarized in the following points:
Reducing time and disengagement from training venue:
The adoption of remote training reduced the duration for the trainee as it took time to reach the institute's headquarters. While remote learning can save time for attendance at training headquarters and does not need to be present at the training location and only requires entering a device Computer or even a mobile phone.
Providing the opportunity to attend programs outside the state for the trainee and to benefit from a trainer outside the state:

Remote training allows you to attend training courses regardless of their location, as it does not require that the trainee be present in the country in which the training is, which saves time and money of visa-entry or booking of travel tickets, hotel cost, etc. It is possible to benefit from the lecturers from outside the country and to save time and money.

Objective advice

The Ministry aims to develop the training system by providing remote training to the above-mentioned categories (judges - Prosecutors - Lawyers). Whether basic training and ongoing training to encourage the largest number of participants attending the courses, the Institute noted the difficulty of many members of the judiciary attending the actual courses on the grounds that they were away from their residence, and took time to attend the institute building.
The institute also aims to benefit from lecturers who are located outside the country and to reduce the expenses of hosting and transportation for their actual presence

Expected decisions

, examine and make appropriate action and adjustment to the most prominent proposals and views thereon


 study and analyze the most prominent proposals and add the public's aspirations to take suitable actions

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