The Law Does Not Discriminate between Men and Women in the Distribution of Pensions to Beneficiaries

01/06/2021 General | Shamma Al Shaibani

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The Law Does Not Discriminate between Men and Women in the Distribution of Pensions to Beneficiaries

The Federal Pension and Social Security Law No. 7 of 1999 and its amendments ensured equal right to both genders in the distribution of pensions to beneficiary heirs, noting that the Law is sometimes expanded to give women more advantages in matters related to the nature of their pioneering roles in the service of family and community.

 For clarification, the Pension Law is equal in its distribution of pensions to beneficiary heirs, whether the deceased is male or female, noting that the pension of the insured woman is given to her beneficiary heirs if they fulfill the entitlement requirements, as is the case with men.

Upon the death of the insured woman, her son is entitled to a share of the pension if he is less than 21 years, and he continues to receive such share after reaching this age if he is unable to earn his living or is a student and he continues until joining work, practicing a profession, or reaching the age of twenty-eight. Her daughter also takes a share as long as she is not married (divorced, widowed, or single) and this share stops once she gets married or joins a workforce'. The share is resumed if she is divorced or widowed, provided that she does not have another salary or a job. The husband also receives a share of the pension of his deceased wife if he is unable to earn his living or does not have a salary equal to or more than his share.

Moreover, the brothers and sisters of the insured woman may receive a share of her pension if they depended on her during her lifetime and they fulfill the entitlement requirements set for the son and daughter. The father may also be entitled to a share if he depends on her in livelihood. Similarly, the mother may be entitled if she is widowed or divorced, or if her husband depends on her insured daughter during his lifetime and the mother does not have another salary or pension. 

Mohamed Saif Al Hamli

Director General of the General PEnsion & Social Security Authority 

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