Labour market study for Training and social development

14/05/2020 General | NQA - Research and Development Department

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Labour Market Study for Education, Training and Social Development


The National Qualifications Authority studies the different sectors of the labour market, so that it can develop qualifications by knowing current and future skills and jobs in each sector. Thus, the formation of sector committees that contribute to the development of national qualifications for these jobs.


The labor market study aims to identify current and future priority skills and jobs in the education, training and social development sector. The Authority has studied the education, training and social development sector within the plans in the study of the labor market, where the study included several topics including

·        national plans, strategies, laws and regulations

·        social development in the UAE

·        education and training in the UAE

·        employ ability in the knowledge

·        academic and professional programs

The study found the most important jobs and skills of priority in the education, training and social development sector. The study recommended the formation of a special committee for the sector to develop standards for these professions and build qualifications for them. Strategic

partners provide the Committee with occupation standards of priority professions and develop qualifications with the Authority 


 For the study, please access the open data on the National  Qualifications Authority website

Wafa Al Awlaqi

National Qualifications Authority


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