Improving federal government services

Days ago, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum launched the Emirates Programme for Excellence in Government Services. The programme reflects our leadership’s determination to improve the services provided by the federal government entities. In your view, what can be done to improve those services? We welcome any ideas or suggestions from you in this regard.


Your Comment

David Anderson on 16/01/2017

Hi, Coincides with the fortieth year of national unity, I have 40 ideas for the various unit of UAE government. Expressly, excellent service and attraction of tourist and customer-oriented initiative. I want to share my best observation and proposals to right person. Don’t want share it in communal. Please contact me. one of most important one: How to generate income for H.H Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid’s Charity? (USD 90 million per year)

Emanuel Albert on 16/01/2017

Assalamu aleykum va rahmatulahi va barakatuhu. I wish many years of life to His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin ARshid Al Maktoum. My name is Mustafa Farhadi. Alhamdulilah I am Muslim (Sunni). I am sorry , but I want to explain my problem. I hope inshallah, somebody can hear my problem. I have worked in Yahoo Tours company in Dubai. In May,2011 I resigned my contract, because my mother was sick very much. In May,24,2011 visa section of Dubai Airport canceled my resident visa and I flied to Tashke

David Anderson on 16/01/2017

i have been a resident of the UAE since 15 years and have lived in three emirates. With regard to gov services, i have had varying experiences; from being impressed to being let down - i have epxerienced it all. some staff attend to personal calls when there is a huge queue of customers! this is definitely not acceptable. i would really appreciate that they undergo morale boosting workshops to ensure that they help customers in a professional way. <div class='UserCredential'> Username : Al

عبود رضوان on 16/01/2017

أتمنى إقامة مراكز موحدة للخدمات الحكومية في مراكز التسوق لتسهيل الأمر على الناس كما أتمنى توزيع كتيب إرشادي عن الخدمات الإلكترونية في المطارات مثل مطار دبي وأبوظبي على أن يكون ذلك بعدة لغات ليتعرف الأجانب والزوار والمقيمون الجدد على كيفية إنجاز الخدمات بأسرع وقت وأيسر وسيلة ومن الإجراءات الأخرى أيضاً وضع ماكينات في دول أخرى مرتبطة بوزارة الداخلية الإماراتية لتقديم خدمة التأشيرة وخصوصاً في الدول التي يرد منها زوار كثيرون إلى الدولة وأتمنى تسهيل إجراءات استخراج التأشيرة لاستقطاب المزيد من السيا

شوقي الطه on 16/01/2017

الخدمات موجودة اللي لازم يصير هو إن الناس تعرف تستخدم الخدمات الإلكترونية بدل ما تروح على الوزارات علموا الناس ودربوهم اذهبوا إلى المدارس والجامعات وتحدثوا إلى المراجعين أنفسهم في الوزارات وزعوا كتيبات إرشادية على الزبائن والمراجعين والقادمين في المطارات الله الموفق <div class='UserCredential'>User Name : مرشد </div>

Tom Shaw on 16/01/2017

Government entities must encourage public opinion and take its feedback seriously. But first, they must carry out intensive testing themselves so that they increase employee efficency. <div class='UserCredential'>User Name : riad jassem Email :</div>

Samuel Rasmussen on 16/01/2017

l think that improving government services should pass through the development of the federal electronic government. All the local electronic government (dubai, abudhabi, sharjah etc) should join efforts and be one project.. This serves the unity. <div class='UserCredential'>User Name : Emiriti </div>

Tom Shaw on 16/01/2017

Services in the UAE are good. Better than any other Arab country. The government is doing all efforts to develop services online and offline. Thanks to the Sheiks and leaders of the United Arab Emirates. <div class='UserCredential'>User Name : Good man </div>

David Anderson on 16/01/2017

Government services can be improved through group efforts. Therefore, all governemnt entities should work together to understand the customers needs and develop their services accordingly. Plus, people need to have a say in the services and how they are implemented. They need to be encouraged to take part and give their comments and feedback on whatever services and information provided on government websites. <div class='UserCredential'> UserName : Asad Rasani Email :</div>


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