First Step Innovation

11/02/2020 Technology | Ministry of Energy and Industry

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Since the launch of the UAE leadership in Becoming one of the world's most innovative governments the world in 2021, the concept of innovation is still a challenge for many people, some believe that the matter is limited to technological inventions and smart transformation, and some of them swing in his mind that the matter is specific to a certain category of specialists to work on studying and implementing it.

Innovation in the glossary of inclusive meanings is defined as follows, invent the fruit: eat its first fruits, i.e. the first of them, the woman invented: she gave birth to a male boy the first time she was born, he invented a new invention: he invented it, he created it, he created it unprecedented to him, he has the ability to invent meanings: to create unfamiliar meanings A non-circulating, industrial source of innovation: capacity for innovation and creativity.

Innovation in the government sector is based on developing, testing and implementing innovative ideas that achieve a public benefit. This may be in the form of a new product or service, updating existing processes or proposing a policy, or even by thinking about a different challenge or stopping a specific practice that has not been proven Its success.

To put these concepts on an optimum basis through previous experiences and tests, through which we conclude that innovation in the first place is an idea and a scientific transformation to overcome a specific challenge or to facilitate the conduct or improvement of a service and its development for the benefit of the concerned group of society, some people may wonder how this will be done? If we imagine the prevailing belief that there are about 70,000 thoughts in the human brain a day, then we can imagine and wonder how these ideas can take the proper course towards innovation? On a personal level, I carried out a simple experiment in my previous work environment. I carried a pen and paper in my hand and went out from the building to the outer space of the car parking. I started from my car walking towards the building and in that while I was asking myself (what if?), and I contemplated those things that would make my life easier and make me feel happy and safe, and between the first list and the second list that caused a whirlwind of ideas that sometimes I felt very simple from my perspective but may mean a lot to other people. Let's go through the experience together and come back in other experiences with upcoming articles.


Hala al-Marri

Chief Executive Officer of Innovation

Ministry of Energy and Industry

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